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Homework is helpful because

Homework is helpful because

homework is helpful because

May 05,  · Below are the top reasons why doing homework can become a major positive boost, a needed change that makes struggles worth it: Each task is your own creation, so do your best to make it creative, memorable, personal. Homework improves memory, cognitive or attention skills. Teaches using time wisely, so you can plan other important blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins Oct 27,  · Here are the top 14 reasons why Homework is important: It improves your child’s thinking and memory It helps your child develop positive study skills and habits that will serve him or her well throughout life Homework encourages your child to use time wisely It teaches your child to work Nov 14,  · Without feedback, homework is ineffective The efficacy of the homework identified by Kalish has been studied by policy researchers as blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins

The Case Against Homework: Why It Doesn't Help Students Learn | Resilient Educator

Homework hives you the benefits to life and it can get your a homework is helpful because education with can relate to a good degree and off that! It can get you a lot of money One small thing can get you to where you want it all starts with homework SO STAND UP WITH ME AND SAY YES~.

Yes, I think that homework is helpful and helps to reinforce skills that were learned in the classroom from a lesson. I think that students need homework in order to help homework is helpful because along in a lesson and also to acquire higher order thinking skills, and therefore homework is a good opportunity for that to happen. Homework is helpful because it can make you smart and the topic can get easier for you Also because you can have good grades and it can make you more successful in homework is helpful because subjects and more too.

Homework is really good for students even if you don't get it ask an adult for help, homework is helpful because. I think this way because kids spend to much time on thier games and are stairing out in space and in thier rooms and it is the main part of your grade therefore making it inportant for you and can also help with your grades and be an important part of your day and you can grow up and get a better job than you expectso stand up with me and say yes to homework!!!!

Homework provides us the learning that school doesn't teach us. It's called "responsibility". Yes, we study in school but doesn't mean that you can't practice at home, right? Homework is given by teachers to practice their students and help their students to remember what they're studying. This also helps the students to do their homeworks by themselves and not to expect from other people.

It may be painful sometimes for the parents. I believe that if we grasp the concept after doing part of the homework, then we shouldn't have to do it. I also think that if the overchievers like me want to do the homework they should have the option to do it, homework is helpful because, even if they already get it.

It could be extra credit. Homework is helpful because it helps children academically by helping them study it more. An average person must see the material times before homework is helpful because fully remember it.

When you don't do homework, then you only see the material times but homework lets you see it times. Homework is important also because it helps teach responsibility, time management and improves grades.

It helps reinforce what the child did at school that day. Children need repetition again and again to store information in long term memory. Homework just helps with this process. But for me as parent I found that I picked up on a few problems both my children had in subjects, homework is helpful because. They did not understand certain work and by doing homework I pick-up on this and could explain and explain again until they understood the concept.

If we didn't do homework - concepts would just go unattended and teachers don't always pick up on them. I also picked up on a few other aspects in my children's work and behaviour and could discuss it with teachers and those teachers could then enforce certain things. Teachers and parents can together help children achieve more at school and from school.

I am in education myself and the students that achieve great success at school, in not only academic work, but other aspects are the ones that the parents are involved in homework and helping the children together with the teacher. Homework gives kids more practice with their academics thus making them more successful, homework is helpful because.

Homework gives kids more practice because it helps prepare them for future tests and assignments. Homework is not only homework is helpful because school, I get homework to help me improve and get better at my sports too.

I do the homework to put in the extra time to help me get better than all the other players. Homework is great for reinforcing what you've already been taught, brushing up on what you've already learned, and reviewing and making sure that what you learned really sunk in. Homework is repetition which is good for the brain. The brain is a muscle and like any other muscle if you do the same thing to work it out it will grow.

It helps to reinforce skills that what we learned that day at school. It will help you get a great opportunity for a great college for us to be a awesome kid that has all the brains to have a good life.

That's why homework is helpful to kids. Unions have fought long and hard for the rule "you should not have to take work home". While never having to take work home might not currently be reality, it is what we agree we should be working towards.

Why should schools be any different. It is important for students to learn to conduct their own study, but this can be achieved by including study periods, or even by making school an hour longer and including an outside-class work time then, homework is helpful because.

If students choose not to use homework is helpful because time for work, they can do their work at home, but this system would be far more beneficial to a student than work that "must be completed at home".

Procrastination is an awful thing, I wonder how many days of a student's life are taken away because they got hours of sleep because they were too afraid to do homework. And for anyone who argues that it's the students fault they're afraid to do homework, you're not considering the biological reason for why it occurs, the inner, reptilian and emotion-based part of the brain sees homework as something it doesn't want to do, and unfortunately the inner brain is stronger than the outer, modern and logic-based part of the brain.

This immediately makes it almost impossible for a person to get to doing work. And don't consider it their fault that they can't fight their own biology, homework is helpful because, that's like saying it's an ugly person's fault for being naturally ugly, or that it's a fat person's fault for being homework is helpful because fat. The best way to solve this is to slowly help a person learn to cope with procrastination and teach them how to beat it through a series of emotionally-positive reinforcements that someone can handle procrastination and that it won't be a lengthy project.

Unfortunately, our education system doesn't focus on these key developmental concepts, because knowing facts is apparently better than being a well-rounded human being.

As such, our current education system cannot sustain homework without causing serious bodily and mental trauma to CHILDREN. And that is something I cannot and will not defend. Children look at school as there job. They wake up, go to school, do what needs to be done. Now when they leave school is where there is a problem. By giving them "homework", this has just created a 24 hour task. Although they leave the building at lets saythey never leave the work, or "homework".

You say, well they have the weekend. What happens on Friday in school Also, homework is helpful because, after school is for after school stuff. Examples being, sports, jobs, family functions, ect, homework is helpful because. If a student truly has nothing going on at school, there are plenty of extra curricular activities for them to be involved in if they so chose to do so.

Kids should get 10 minutes per grade, But the average 4th grader gets 1hr-2hrs of homework. Also kids need more sleep.

Most families only get hrs of sleep per night instead of the recommended Some people even get hrs of sleep because they have so much homework that night. ITS really bad I mean so bad I cry and cry and cry it never changes : please join me to get pressure off you have to play on phone tablet and laptop what ever devices you have or play with any siblings you got have or lived with signed maelynn.

I always. S sms sms f F f f f f for me to do that and it is because I want it and I want it it and I would like it it and it is a Jersey was the Code is the way I would want you meani I was in it it would have a real fun game to play.

Boring shit that doesn't helps any way. After 8 hours at the fucking school you have to work at home more and repeat the fkn thing you did at school for 8 stinky hourssssssssss. There are students that doesn't do homework because they tired! And why they are tired? Because they were at the school for 8 hours. And when they say to the teachers that they didn't did homework so the teachers are punishing just like witches.

Homework Is a waste of time. It causes stress. Homework might be considered important but it s the same thing kids do in class. There is no difference between school work homework is helpful because homework. So then why waste kids time by doing those useless stuff? I think that Homework is not helpful it is just boring and waste of time.

H- Half O- Of M- My E- Energy W- Wasted O- On R- Random K- Knowledge. Hello idiots who think homework is good I want you to get a brain and see that kids have school for hours a DAY is that not enough or do teachers need more time to teach kids I like school besides homework then I go home school is over oh i have homework nvm. By using this site, homework is helpful because, you agree to our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use.

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Created: New to Old Created: Old to New Likes: Most to Least Likes: Least to Most Replies: Most to Least Replies: Least to Most. Homework is awesome and it's really resonable and helpful Homework hives you the benefits to life and it can get your a better education with can relate to a good degree and off that! SO STAND UP WITH ME AND SAY YES~ Report Post. Like Reply. Maximum words.

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Top 14 Reason Why Homework is Important - e-Skoole-Skool

homework is helpful because

Nov 14,  · Without feedback, homework is ineffective The efficacy of the homework identified by Kalish has been studied by policy researchers as blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins Oct 27,  · Here are the top 14 reasons why Homework is important: It improves your child’s thinking and memory It helps your child develop positive study skills and habits that will serve him or her well throughout life Homework encourages your child to use time wisely It teaches your child to work Sep 13,  · In support of the view of homework as helpful, many educators stress that specifically aligning homework to the learning task is part of the strategy for building blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins

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