![The Death Penalty As An Effective Punishment: [Essay Example], words GradesFixer is the death penalty effective essay](https://essaypay.com/images/examples/against-death-penalty-essay.png)
It is not that death punishment is an effective form of punishing people for all the crimes but yes it is something which should be considered and kept in mind as an option so that it can be used against people who do not fear the law and also people who are afraid of death but are constantly breaking the law and are a source of pain and loss for others Mar 18, · This essay will contend that the death penalty is an efficacious sentence and is an operative tool in nations’ legal systems. The first argument for the death penalty is due to the deterrence that it provides to society. The National Institute of Justice (n.d.) defined deterrence as the lawbreaking inhibition effects from the risk of sentencing. The country of Singapore will be used as a case example for the effectiveness of the death penalty Mar 26, · Does the Death Penalty Effectively Deter Crime? The death penalty in America has been effective since Throughout the years following the first execution, criminal behaviors have begun to deteriorate. Capital punishment was first formed to deter crime and treason. As a result, it increased the rate of crime, according to researchers.4/5(29)
Is the Death Penalty Effective - Free Essay Example | blogger.com
Home — Essay Samples — Social Issues — Death Penalty — The Death Penalty As An Effective Punishment. The purpose of this essay is to assess the viability of the death penalty as an operative castigation, is the death penalty effective essay.
The death penalty is defined as the legal killing an individual as a sentence. As ofthere were 53 countries that still have the death penalty in their legal system and there were is the death penalty effective essay estimated executions in This is the death penalty effective essay acknowledges that there are a multitude of facets to consider regarding the effectiveness of the measure and will delve specifically into three factors which are deterrence, recidivism and retribution.
Detrimental elements such as the risk of false convictions and a negative correlation between deterrence and murder rates will also be discussed.
This paper on the death penalty will be mainly limited to the United States US and Singapore, due to their strong stances on the death penalty. The US has a multitude of states in close proximity with differing views on the death penalty. Singapore will be examined for its globally renowned approach to drug related offences. The first argument for the death penalty is due to the deterrence that it provides to society.
The National Institute of Justice n. defined deterrence as the lawbreaking inhibition effects from the risk of sentencing. The country of Singapore will be used as a case example for the effectiveness of the death penalty in terms of deterrence.
The Singaporean government has taken a fixed attitude against abolishing capital punishment due to its deterrent effect, especially for drug related offences. The effect is apparent in the low statistics relating to drug related offences in Singapore as compared to other nations. Teo explained how 0, is the death penalty effective essay.
Furthermore, the fear of the death penalty has caused a reduction in the number of drug abusers in Singapore from in to in This evidence suggests that threat of the death penalty has resulted in general adherence to the drug laws in Singapore and contributes to the effectiveness of the measure. Singaporeans are also generally supportive of the death penalty for drug related offences demonstrated by how The strong public support for the measure possibly reinforces the notion that citizens believe that the death penalty is a useful tool and contributes to the safety of the country.
The short time period between conviction and execution in Singapore has also contributed greatly to the deterrent effect as it is practically a guaranteed outcome once the trial is complete. It seems reasonable is the death penalty effective essay conclude that the deterrent effect has a positive impact on certain societies in dissuading potential criminals from committing offences and can contribute to maintaining a low crime rate.
However, opponents claim that there is a lack of correlation between deterrence and the death penalty and instead there is the existence of an inverse relationship. An example would be how certain states in the United States with the death penalty have higher rates of murder than states without it. For example, Louisiana with the death penalty had a murder rate of 12 citizens per population compared to Illinois without the death penalty which had a murder rate of about 8 citizens per population.
This evidence suggests that the existence of the death penalty may be causing more crimes instead of being an effective deterrent. This may seem persuasive at first, but it mainly applies to certain areas of the US. Tures refutes the inverse relationship by stating that 11 out of the 25 states with the lowest rates of murder in the United States have the death penalty. Furthermore, is the death penalty effective essay, the idea that there is no correlation might be due to the death penalty being infrequently utilised by countries and that often it takes a significant amount of time to be put in place.
This somewhat diminishes the argument that no correlation can be drawn between the death penalty and a deterrent effect. A further example in support of deterrence would be in the s in the United States when there was a temporary embargo of the death penalty. This led to an instantaneous increase in the number is the death penalty effective essay murders committed and subsequently a reduction in the number of murders directly after the ban was raised which showed that there was some merit to the death penalty discouraging criminals from committing offences.
The second aspect for the death penalty would be recidivism. An argument can be made that the availability of the death penalty for countries would be the most beneficial method in preventing criminals from committing any serious unlawful acts again. Muhlhausen elaborated on this by stating that some offences are so atrocious that death sentences should be available to remove the offender from society.
This suggests that the death penalty unlike other punishments would decisively prevent further harm from being committed to society as the offenders would be removed from the equation. However, critics of the re-offending argument question this and argue that other forms of punishment are more effective in preventing offenders from is the death penalty effective essay crimes.
It can be acknowledged that the death penalty definitively removes the offender from society, but alternative methods can allow the offender to realise his mistakes before returning to society as a law-abiding citizen.
This proposes that alternative sentences to the death penalty can be more effective in terms of positively influencing the wrongdoer into returning to civilised order. A further alternative to the death penalty would be life imprisonment which means the inmates would be held in prison for the remainder of their lives. This completely removes the possibility that the criminals would harm society again and prolongs the period that they must contemplate on their actions.
The argument, however, fails to consider that that other forms of punishment apart from the death penalty such as life imprisonment do not comprehensively protect the citizens of the country. The individual may not be able to cause harm to the public as he is in jail, but he has the potential to damage other prisoners or members of the prison staff.
An example would be prisons in New York of the United States, which does not have the death penalty. Init had cases of attacks on prison workers and cases of assault on prisoners which illustrates the futility of prison sentences as a means of preventing inmates from reoffending.
This shows that other methods of punishment such as regulation after their sentencing had little effect on their choice concerning recidivism and further emphasizes the effectiveness of the death penalty. The third aspect for comparison would be retribution. Retribution constitutes the degree to which the sentence is meant to be on the same level as the is the death penalty effective essay committed and it should be relatively close to the offence committed.
Retribution in terms of the death penalty is fairly useful as it affords closure to the victims and parties affected by the actions of the wrongdoer especially in murder cases.
Closure refers to the finalisation of a disturbing event for an individual. It has been argued that the death penalty allows victims and affected parties to get some measure of catharsis through the execution of the offender. However, an argument can be made for the risk of the death penalty taking the life of innocent individuals through false trials BBC.
Amnesty International n. further elaborated on this point by stating how inmates in the US have been sentenced to death since the s on false convictions. Von Drehle supported this by stating that almost four percent of all convictions are flawed. It can be said that as long as the justice system in countries are not infallible, the jeopardy of wrongfully convicting and executing innocents would remain in society. Whilst this position is popular, it is not supported by significant evidence as it can be said that in modern society wrongful termination of life is a remote possibility.
This is supported by the number of individuals in the US who have been absolved of their crimes after a plea to the courts. According to the Innocence Project n. d there has been a total of individuals who were exonerated in the US since the s. This is the death penalty effective essay illustrates the stronger and more robust appeals systems that many countries have in their legal arrangements which can prevent any accidents in terms of false convictions leading to wrongful deaths.
As a result, the efficacy of the death penalty can be seen from the overall retribution effect and the argument of false convictions is negated to a certain extent by the durable legal systems in countries. This essay sought to evaluate three segments of the death penalty which were deterrence, reoffending and retribution. The example of Singapore demonstrates the effectiveness of the death penalty in strongly discouraging drug related offences and the high reoffending rates in certain areas of the US show that other forms of punishment are necessarily successful in reducing recidivism.
The essay also presented that the closure the death penalty provides to the victims results in the most appropriate form of punishment to content them. The essay does acknowledge the existence of adverse opinions regarding the death penalty but contends that overall the positives of the death penalty far outweigh the negatives. Reference List Agenyi, J Recidivism in the United States- An Overview [Online].
Amnesty International Death penalty in Facts and figures [Online]. Death Penalty [Online]. The Death Penalty and Deterrence [Online]. BBC n. Arguments in Favour of Capital Punishment [Online]. shtml [Accessed 2 May ]. Blecker, R Death Penalty Proponent [Online]. Bureau of Justice Statistics 5 out of 6 State Prisoners were Arrested Within 9 Years of their Release [Online]. cfm [Accessed 2 May ]. Death Penalty Information Center n. Deterrence: States Without the Death Penalty Have Had Consistently Lower Murder Rates [Online].
Devine, R A Should the Death Penalty be used for Retribution? Dobson, J Does the Death Penalty deter crime? Edward, S 3 Alternatives To The Death Penalty [Online]. Girelli, G The Death Penalty for Drug Offences: Global Overview [Online]. Harm Reduction International. pdf [Accessed 26 April ]. Hodgkinson, P and Rutherford, A Capital Punishment Global Issues and Prospects. Waterside Press Hood, is the death penalty effective essay, R, G The Death Penalty: A Worldwide Perspective [Online], is the death penalty effective essay.
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Essay on Capital Punishment -- Death Sentence -- सज़ा-ए-मौत -- कितना सही कितना गलत -- For \u0026 Against
, time: 23:47Is the Death Penalty Effective? - Words | Essay Example

It is not that death punishment is an effective form of punishing people for all the crimes but yes it is something which should be considered and kept in mind as an option so that it can be used against people who do not fear the law and also people who are afraid of death but are constantly breaking the law and are a source of pain and loss for others Mar 18, · This essay will contend that the death penalty is an efficacious sentence and is an operative tool in nations’ legal systems. The first argument for the death penalty is due to the deterrence that it provides to society. The National Institute of Justice (n.d.) defined deterrence as the lawbreaking inhibition effects from the risk of sentencing. The country of Singapore will be used as a case example for the effectiveness of the death penalty Mar 26, · Does the Death Penalty Effectively Deter Crime? The death penalty in America has been effective since Throughout the years following the first execution, criminal behaviors have begun to deteriorate. Capital punishment was first formed to deter crime and treason. As a result, it increased the rate of crime, according to researchers.4/5(29)
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