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Nursing reflection essay

Nursing reflection essay

nursing reflection essay

This example of a reflective essay is presented in association with Price, B and Harrington, A () Critical Thinking and Writing for Nursing Students, London, Learning Matters. Readers are introduced to the process of critical and reflective thinking and the translation of these into Jun 25,  · Reflective Nursing Essays. The reflective nursing essays below were written by students to help you with your own studies. If you are looking for help with your reflective nursing essay then we offer a comprehensive writing service provided by fully qualified academics in your field of study. Reflective Essay Service Jun 26,  · Nursing Reflection Essay Reflection in Nursing. NurseGateway «1st year reflection using Gibbs reflective cycle» Welcome Guest. Please Login or Nursing Reflection. For confidentiality reasons, this patient will be given the pseudonym of Kayla

Nursing Reflective Essay: Examples and Guide for Students

The ward was also post-operative caring for patients who have received PEGs, RIGs and carotid endarterectomy. For this essay, nursing reflection essay, I will be aiming on my personal experience and feeling on how I related with a patient Mrs Amanda pseudonym during my stay at a frailty ward with pain nursing reflection essay End of Life management.

Throughout the essay l will reflect on how l provided holistic care to Mrs. Amanda until her last days on the ward which made me choose this experience due to the different aspects of care that will be explained in the essay that I learnt while she was on the ward, nursing reflection essay.

Care delivery, delegation and prioritisation will be explored along with team working, risk assessment and patient safety, nursing reflection essay, taking into consideration my role as a supervised student nurse whilst analysing nursing reflection essay roles and responsibilities of those supervising me and what influence this has on my practice.

The discussion will comprise of the knowledge reinforcing practice and evidence base for the clinical skills that l nursing reflection essay and validating them with the accessible literature. The essay will also include a reflection from my team work peer assessment during contributions in fixed team work and team based learning see appendix 1. When I arrived on the ward, my mentor Nursing reflection essay pseudonym briefed me about the patients on the ward.

I introduced myself to the patients because it is important that the patients are aware of who l am and my status if l am to provide nursing care for them. During this placement, Mrs Amanda was admitted following a fall in her bathroom at home issues and was brought in by her family members, nursing reflection essay.

She had been also catheterised whilst on the ward because she had trouble of pass urine and had spent the last 8 weeks receiving holistic multidisciplinary care, for example nursing care, physiotherapy and occupational therapy and was due for rehab when medically fit for discharge, nursing reflection essay.

Under the supervision of my mentor while attending to other patients on the ward, Mrs. Amanda called out to me that she was in severe pain since she had been admitted with lower back pain.

On approaching her I observed that she was in pain and once she had my attention she said she was in terrible pain and needed more pain killers. I approached Mrs Amanda and introduced myself with the aim of establishing a pleasant nurse-patient relationship. I assured Mrs. Amanda that I will have a word with a qualified nurse and will be back. I walked up to Michael and asked that Mrs Amanda would need some pain killers as she is in severe pain.

Michael then asked me where is Mrs. And instead of getting the pain killers for Mrs. Amanda, he asked me several questions.

How do you know that she is in such severe pain as you have just described to me? Have you asked her with the trust policy of pain scale? see appendix 2 What type of pain killers have been given to Mrs. Amanda and for how long ago were these given to her? He went on and on and I felt embarrassed and at the same time very eager to correct my mistakes. I was unable to answer any of the questions he asked and I nursing reflection essay I was overwhelmed with sympathy rather than empathy for the patient.

I brought Mrs. As a nurse it is important to use critical thinking to resolve problems related to direct patient care and as a student nurse, I asked for additional help since l did not know what else was happening to Mrs, nursing reflection essay. Amanda because she said she was feeling very exhausted. Following discussion with Michael, I felt that Mrs, nursing reflection essay.

Amanda was uncomfortable, in pain and one of the healthcare assistants mentioned that Mrs. To preserve safety under the NMC codenursing reflection essay, I made a referral to Michael so that we worked towards the best interests of Mrs.

Amanda as this was a concern to me. This is where my time management skills came in place, I made a timely report to the doctors who reacted appropriately since her oxygen levels and blood pressure were low. To my understanding, blood pressure and heart rate are very important to know the patients wellbeing to avoid cardiac arrest. The multi-disciplinary team members obtained information that clarifies the nature of the problem while suggesting possible solutions.

After re-assessment by the doctors that responded to the call, the doctor prescribed 48 meropenem for her since she had history of cystic nursing reflection essay an inherited condition that causes sticky mucus to build up in the lungs and digestive system, nursing reflection essay. I had the competency in medicine administration but on this occasion l was observed by two qualified nurses including Michael who talked me through the procedure while asking me questions about cystic fibrosis which l answered but he gave me feedback that I had insufficient information about the disease but I turned this into a positive feedback and read about it.

Amanda was deterioting. The ward sister nursing reflection essay with the doctor that Mrs, nursing reflection essay. Amanda may benefit from Opti flow and the team agreed for Opti flow trial.

An Opti flow is a non-invasive device that warms and humidifies high flow nasal cannula air or oxygen which are delivered to the patient. Doctors recognise and work within the limits of their competence through making the care of their patient their first concern. The doctor called the critical care outreach team to provide the Opti-flow but Mrs. Amanda was feeling nursing reflection essay. For example, one of the nurse showed her courage and commitment to patient care by explaining to the doctor that it was not appropriate to continue the Opti flow due to exhaustion and poor improvement of Mrs.

The doctor listened to the nurses concern and responded by later requesting for continuous positive airway pressure which is used as a treatment for obstructive sleep apnoea. Since Mrs. Amanda had capacity, nursing reflection essay, the doctors and consultant explained to her nursing reflection essay the family members that some of her organs were failing to function and among the roles of nursing reflection essay doctor is to maintain trust by being honest, open and act with integrity.

Amanda was then placed on End of life Pathway see nursing reflection essay 3 for End of life pathway for acute hospitals with her consent, transferred in a side room for privacy and referred to the palliative team. A nurse is expected to provide safe and competent care so that harm such as physical, psychological or material to the recipient of the service is prevented.

While End of life as a patient, she was now nil by mouth because she had difficulty in swallowing and to prevent more discomfort, the doctors and nurses agreed to switch her to humidified oxygen for comfort. While on humidified oxygen, Mrs.

Amanda was sweaty and getting exhausted when me and one of the sisters were changing her. The ward sister then explained to the family that she was getting exhausted so they should limit making her talk. Relating Mrs. Acute pain is of short or limited duration usually associated with traumatic tissue injuries, whereas chronic pain is a pain or discomfort persisting for about 3 to 6 months and may persist beyond the healing period.

Chronic pain despite therapeutic interventions for example medications, nursing carephysio and occupational therapists is classified as intractable pain which Mrs. Amanda was experiencing. Pain can be influenced among other things by culture, previous pain experience, mood, ability to cope or even belief and individuals should be treated differently. Initially when I learnt that Mrs. Amanda was now on end of life management, I was interested to find out more about the patient and their condition but also sad to know that she will soon be a last office.

When I met the patient, nursing reflection essay, I felt sympathy towards her and the family and upon discussion she expressed herself that she felt like giving up and ending it all. Looking at Mrs. Amanda l had a mixture of emotions, although I could understand why she would want to give up and the only reason was due to the pain she was starting to experience all over her body rather than just the back pain.

I was quite confident at problem solving however this was a period where l was faced with a situation where l could identify the problem but was not nursing reflection essay to come up with a solution due to the lack of experience in end of life management of patients. On reflection it was a positive experience as it allowed me to see how people cope differently with terminal conditions, and the impact it has on the family and carers.

This being my first encounter of meeting a patient with acute pain nursing reflection essay end of life management, I learnt so much and gain information especially about acute pain management having asked several questions and establish a good patient-nurse relationship.

During this experience, the nursing team had built a good professional relationship with the patient and their family.

The patient had plenty of time to discuss any concerns or issues that she had for example how she felt was important and her needs to be taken into consideration. I found the tool to be beneficial for effective management of pain because it was a good indicator as to when we would need to adjust her analgesia to ensure the patient was in the least amount of pain.

The principle of upholding professionalism under the NMC code is supporting appropriate service and care environments by raising concerns when issues arise that could compromise quality, nursing reflection essay, safety and experience. Professionalism in nursing and midwifery is realised through purposeful relationships and underpinned by environments that facilitate professional practice. Nursing reflection essay confirmed to me that Mrs.

Amanda may need a new review by the palliative team to reassess her pain, nursing reflection essay. I went nursing reflection essay inform Mrs. Amanda of this. On getting to her, I introduced nursing reflection essay with the aim of continuing our nurse-patient professional relationship and to obtain consent.

I informed her that she will need a reassessment by the palliative team to change her pain killer or if there is need to increase the dose and that the doctor has been notified of this.

This seemed to calm her down a little as I explained and listened empathically to her. Nursing is the art of caring and we must listen empathically to what service users and patients want so that we can deliver the care they deserve.

When one of the palliative team member came on the ward, nursing reflection essay, she told the doctor to prescribe PRN midazolam 2.

Amanda was very complaint with her medication. The Mental Capacity Act says that a person is unable to make a decision if they cannot do one or more of the following, understand information given to them, retain that information long enough to be able to make the decision, nursing reflection essay, weigh up the information available to make the decision, nursing reflection essay, communicate their decision — this could be by talking, using sign language or even simple muscle movements such as blinking an eye or squeezing a hand.

Amanda had nursing reflection essay and the multi-disciplinary team made sure nursing reflection essay she was involved in her care. As the primary caregivers, nurses must ensure that sensitive care and comfort measures are given as the clients illness progresses. The relaxation of the urethral sphincters of the bladder causing urinary incontinence can indicate approaching death WHO With consent from Mrs, nursing reflection essay.

Amanda, I informed her that the catheter is to be removed for her comfort and an absorbent pad will be provided which she accepted. Particularly women are at risk of urinary tract infection due to the short urethra and its closeness to the anal and vaginal areas. Nurses provide information and instruction in hygiene and diet to help prevent recurrences of urinary infection for example increasing the fluid intake for patients.

So, l made sure l played my role nursing reflection essay an advocate for Mrs. Amanda making sure that her comfort rounds were done and that she was comfortable before her last offices on the ward. See appendix 4 for nursing reflection essay round. In addition to caring for Mrs. Amanda, I was given the opportunity to be involved in meeting with the palliative care team for the hospital which enhanced the importance of good communication skills and accurate record keeping ensuring that all participants in Mrs.

In terms of communication I felt I was gaining confidence especially with the family members as I had built up a relationship which was both professional whilst being friendly and trusting. Hello, nursing reflection essay, dear nurse!

Gibbs' Reflective Cycle Explained

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Nursing Reflection Essay | Bartleby

nursing reflection essay

This example of a reflective essay is presented in association with Price, B and Harrington, A () Critical Thinking and Writing for Nursing Students, London, Learning Matters. Readers are introduced to the process of critical and reflective thinking and the translation of these into Jun 26,  · Nursing Reflection Essay Reflection in Nursing. NurseGateway «1st year reflection using Gibbs reflective cycle» Welcome Guest. Please Login or Nursing Reflection. For confidentiality reasons, this patient will be given the pseudonym of Kayla Apr 16,  · Creating a nursing reflection essay is a long and challenging journey that requires total concentration on a task. That’s why it is essential to turn your “study mode” on and devote yourself to the essay writing process. No doubts, you might get too overwhelmed by the

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