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Reflective essay about leadership

Reflective essay about leadership

reflective essay about leadership

What is your understanding of leadership? Explain the general concepts of leadership. Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more organized and logical meaning Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal Nov 26,  · Leadership grows from self-confidence, it is the fundamental basis of leadership. Leadership is about having confidence to make decisions. The group members or the followers can step forward towards the desired goal only when the leader is confident. So the leaders confidence is directly proportionate to the followers Do you feel like needing essay help? Find essay writing service online and get a perfect paper to send to college. Professional essay writer is available 24/7. A key to bright future is a well-done college essay

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This is a reflective essay based on an episode of care that I was directly involved in managing during a community placement. This episode of care will be analysed using up to date references, health care policies and relevant models. Issues and theories relating to leadership qualities and management styles will also be explored, taking into consideration any legal, reflective essay about leadership and political factors that may have impacted on patient care.

Care delivery, reflective essay about leadership, delegation and prioritisation will be examined along with team working, risk assessment and patient safety. I will also take into consideration my role as a supervised student nurse and analyse the roles and responsibilities of those supervising me and what reflective essay about leadership this has on my practice.

These issues will be debated and questioned within the framework of leadership and management theory. Starting an extended practice placement as a third year nursing student enables the student to develop their knowledge and skills in management and leadership ready for their role as a qualified adult nurse.

During my extended practice placement there were many opportunities to develop these skills and manage my own caseload of patients and arrange many complex aspects of their care. During this placement an 88 year old patient, to reflective essay about leadership known as Mrs A, was due to be discharged from a rehab centre following recurrent falls, issues with safety at home, and self neglect, the referral had been made by a concerned General Practitioner.

Mrs A had spent the last 6 weeks receiving holistic multidisciplinary care, including; intensive physiotherapy, occupational therapy and nursing care. Mrs A had made much improvement and was able to safely administer her own medication. One of the Physiotherapists called Ken, had commented during handover, that Mrs A had seemed confused during their session together, and asked if the nurses would go in and review her. Upon visiting Mrs A it was clearly evident that she was not herself, and seemed confused.

Following discussion with my mentor I felt that Mrs A was not safe to administer her own medication. I recommended to reflective essay about leadership patient to let the rehabilitation staff administer her medication. Mrs A consented to this, thus reducing a great risk of Mrs A causing her-self harm. I delegated to the support workers to obtain a urine sample which was tested and confirmed that Mrs A had a urinary tract infection, antibiotics were prescribed by her GP.

This episode of care was managed effectively as the underlying cause of the patients confusion was discovered and treated, a risk assessment was completed and a referral was promptly made to medicine management and a dossett box was supplied to Mrs A, to help her manage her own medications safely. All members of the multi-disciplinary team were fully committed to the team approach to care delivery reflective essay about leadership this facilitated efficient and organised care delivery.

The care delivered was patient-centred and teamwork was integral to providing this care. First will be a discussion on the importance of self awareness and how this awareness enabled a more assertive and confidant approach to be made to managing patient care. Self awareness must be considered as the foundation for management and is a vital skill and quality needed in leadership. If you wish to provide care that is of a high standard and improve your own performance as a skilled health care professional you need to manage the cognitive, affective and behavioural self in order to engage effectively in therapeutic relationships.

Without being self aware, recognising personal and cultural beliefs, and understanding interpersonal strengths and limitations, it is impossible to establish and maintain good relationship with co-workers and patients. This relates to the need to maximise potential and achieve a sense of personal fulfilment, competence, and accomplishment Maslow, It is important as a student nurse to be completely aware of strengths and weaknesses, and to be conscious of any limitations, self-awareness helps to exploit strengths and cope with weaknesses Walshe and Smith To understand nursing management it is crucial to understand what nursing management is and the theory behind it.

Another definition of management is a process by which organisational goals are met through the application of skills and the use of resources Huber, com, Borkowski, N. Cameron, K. and Whetten, D. Gopee, reflective essay about leadership, N. and Galloway, J. Huber, D. USA: W. B Saunders Company. McGregor, D. The human side of enterprise. Leadership and motivation. Sullivan, E. And Garland, G. WalsheK. And SmithJ. Tags: free essaymanagement theory. Category : Free EssaysHealth.

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reflective essay about leadership

Leadership has been defined in many ways within existent academic literature. However, several features are common to most definitions of leadership. For example, leadership is a process, involves influence, usually occurs in a group setting, involves the attainment of a goal, and exists at all levels (Faugier and Woolnough, ) Do you feel like needing essay help? Find essay writing service online and get a perfect paper to send to college. Professional essay writer is available 24/7. A key to bright future is a well-done college essay What is your understanding of leadership? Explain the general concepts of leadership. Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more organized and logical meaning Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal

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